
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hijab Style 2013

Jika dahulu memakai hijab selalu berkonotasi kolot dan tidak menarik, saat ini yang terjadi malah sebaliknya. Para muslimah sudah banyak yang memahami perintah tentang menutup aurat dengan berhijab. Akan tetapi para muslimah tersebut tidak mau ketinggalan zaman dengan penampilan yang kolot dan tidak menarik. Sehingga memunculkan banyak kreasi berhijab sehingga munculah tren berhijab. Para muslimah yang memakai hijab menamakan dirinya sebagai hijabers. Para hijabers tersebut menjadi tren setter dalam kreasi berhijab sehingga muncul beragam style hijab masa kini.
Sebenarnya istilah hijab berasal dari kata hajaban. Kata ini ada dalam kosa kata bahasa Arab yang artinya menutupi.
Jadi, pada dasarnya berhijab adalah menutupi aurat dengan memakai kerudung. Kerudung tersebut berupa penutup kepala dan pakaian yang tertutup rapat sesuai dengan syar’i. 

Dengan beragam kreasi para hijabers, muncul banyak style berhijab yang menjadikan para muslimah tampil modis dan stylis. Para hijabers memadupadankan tren model pakaian masa kini dengan pakaian muslimah sehingga tampil trendi dan fresh. Syaratnya, tetap menutupi aurat. 
Tren yang muncul dalam pemakaian hijab yaitu menggunakan beragam kreasi dalam menggunakan kerudung jenis pashmina dan kerudung segi empat. Kreasi tersebut dibantu dengan beragam ciput atau dalaman kerudung yang disebut ciput ninja. Ciput ini berupa penutup kepala yang dapat menutupi leher. Dengan bantuan ciput ninja tersebut, para muslimah dapat mengkreasikan beragam model kerudung. Para muslimah pun menggunakan beragam aksesoris seperti beragam model bros, peniti, bando dan jarum pentul.

jilbab pelangi dengan headband kombinasi
Gaya berhijab tersebut dipadupadankan dengan model pakaian muslimah yang fashionable. Para muslimah sudah tidak ragu mengenakan pakaian dengan warna-warna yang cerah dan model-model masa kini. Bahan yang digunakan pun beragam, tidak hanya kain yang kaku dan tebal tapi juga kain-kain yang nyaman untuk dikenakan seperti bahan katun, bahan kaos, dan lain-lain. Bahan-bahan tersebut cenderung nyaman dan dingin saat dikenakan sehingga walaupun potongannya panjang dan tertutup tetap dapat membuat nyaman si pemakai. Padu padan antara kerudung dan pakaian muslim yang stylis menciptakan style hijab masa kini yang membuat si pemakai tampil fashionable.

Banyak juga hijaber yang berani menggunakan pakaian dengan warna yang tidak serasi atau istilahnya tabrakan, sebab gaya itulah yang sekarang sedang menjadi trend setter hijaber umumnya. Kalau untuk penggunaan hijab saat ini bisa dibilang pemakaiannya sangat praktis misalnya saja dengan menggunakan ciput ninja kita menampilkan hijab kita juga sudah termasuk kreasi dan modis. Sangat berbeda dengan hijab tempo dulu yang miring atau mencong sedikit saja terlihat berantakan, itulah hebatnya hijaber saat ini.

Hijab yang sangat populer pada saat ini ada bentuk pashmina yaitu kain dengan panjang 1,75-2 meter dan lebar 1 meter dengan macam-macam dalaman kerudung diantaranya ada ciput ninja, ciput arab, ciput maroko dll. Dengan perkembangan hijab saat ini tidak jarang juga orang beranggapan bahwa hijaber itu hanya memanfaatkan fashion yang sedang trend, semua kembali kepada diri kita masing-masing untuk memilah-milah mana yang baik dan buruknya.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Be a Hijabi Lady by Wearing Pakistani Hijab

The term  Pakistani hijab refers to a variety of traditional headscarves worn by many Muslim women. Also called a veil, headscarf, or covering, it is endeavor  to promote modesty and avoid calling attention to a woman’s body. There is no specific Pakistani hijab; instead, different styles are available not only throughout Pakistan but also in many areas around the world.

Many different fabrics can be used to make a  Pakistani  hijab, depending on  local customs, occasion, weather, and personal preference. Personal preference  usually decides color and style of hijab that varies from person to person. Most Muslim women avoid bright colors and patterns as bright colors are source of  attraction to men. Blue or black color hijaab are the most common one seen in  Pakistani society.
Female members of Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islamic Islamic party have demanded that the hijab be made imperative. The nation was urged to observe international hijab day on sept 4 by the leader of Jamaat-e Islam. It is normally considered that the type of dress determines the amount of  respect a woman should be given. So in order to make Pakistani women more respectable in men’s eye Jamaat-e-Islamic (JI) has demanded that the hijab be made compulsory in the constitution of Pakistan

In Pakistan, hijab is worn for the following basic reasons:
• Insecurity at the hands of men
• Identity crises
• To increase modesty
• Compulsion from male members ( husbands, fathers or brothers etc)

What I think is the Hijab should be pride and egotism of any women and not a  mark of compulsion. As compulsions makes path to many unspecific things.

In our Pakistani society, elders tells that if a girls is not in hijab than they attract  and compel male to have sexual relation with them, but the sad part is that they do not tell their young boys or men to respect women and avoid illegal actions against them. In Pakistan It is usually the preying eye of men rather than religion  that has forced women to wear the Hijab. But wearing a piece of cloth shall neither change the men’s attitude nor protect  women.

It is really a bitter and dejected truth that As far as Hijab is concerned, you see, even prostitutes in Pakistan observe it. But this thing should be kept in mind  that its practice what makes one different, not what one wears. There are many other ladies who wear hijab and have flaw-less character. So we can bring down  curtain by saying that purpose of wearing hijab should be clear and reputable in  mind. Be a hijabi lady and not a hijabi hooker.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Idea Behind Hijab Scarf

In Islam there is a very old tradition of covering your head in such a way that not even a single glance of your hair should be porn to the other people for women. It is a very strict ritual and is followed by all the Islamic girls and women of all Islamic countries. This can be conceded that the Islam uniforms the females by this idea of covering your head with the help of a hijab scarf. Women all around the Middle East, Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Turkey strictly follow this obligation. This hijab scarf is the national dress for women in Saudi Arabia. No women in that country are seen without following this ritual. 

Women who are non Muslim are so much inspired by the idea of hijab scarf, that they also follow this in their routine life as this not only adds beauty to them but also confidence and comfort to their apparel. Muslim women have so many different creative ideas to wear the hijab scarf i.e. some wear it with a long coat, with their dopata, and others with the normal dress. Hijab helps them to out stand as Muslim women.

Importance of the Hijab

One of the most important elements of the identity of a Muslim women personality is “the hijab”. In Islam and many other religions there is an attraction between the opposite sex and chances for any type of private affair to groom in that way. Therefore these religions put some type of  restrictions on this type of freedom, to avoid these unintentional affairs to happen. The hijab is one of these  types of restriction on women, to cover themselves and to avoid men being attracted towards them for the  sake of beauty.

The hijab provides women a security and a respectable space in the Islamic society, therefore  protecting the females from any such unwanted desires. It creates an atmosphere in order to resist the  unethical demands and to build in the internal immunity for both men and women in every society. Another important feature of the Hejaz is that it creates a modest feeling in the females which lessen  their desires of the material items like dressings and expensive jewels for showing and enhancing their beauty. Muslim women are there for fulfilling two major pillars of Islam. One is to be in a cover  and other is to be modest.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Four Amazing Hijab Styles for Kids

Nowadays the hijab fashion is becoming increasingly popular among all age groups from kids to old women. The hijab styles for kids are introduced to make them look equally Islamic and beautiful. The Muslim girls must be advised to wear scarf to cover heads from very initial age to make it their habit. You can find a huge variety of hijab styles in every color and fabric for kids which they can match and wear with their outfits. The head scarf, abaya, gown and maxi will look on every cute girl. Most of the kids love to follow their elders dressing styles so they can look cute and cultured by wearing hijab. Following hijab styles are famous not only among kids but also elder women which makes your kid look sophisticated and cute:

1. Elegant White: 
White color looks elegant and classic when it comes to fashion world and it is perfect choice for kid’s hijab. Not only this hijab matches with every outfit but also looks cool and trendy in summers. You can buy a white scarf in various fabrics from cotton to silk and satin and can decorate it with laces and accessories for making your kid more fashionable. Multi colored laces and pearls can be added to white scarf for accentuating the look. 

2. Stunning Black: 
Black is the most commonly used color among hijab in every age grioup. The black hijab highlights the face features and body shape making your kid beautiful. You will find a wide variety of black scarves in various materials and designs as woven, knitted, painted or stitched plain black. The edges can be extended with silk pieces or laces. The embroidery and thread work also looks cute when done in shapes of cartoon characters and flowers. 

 3. Colorful Combination: 
The kids clothes consist of wide color combinations and you can match any one or multi colored hijab for your kid. The classic designs are available in every shade of pink and purples and green which suit the girls most. Grey color looks elegant and decent depending on personal choice of your kid. Your kid can go for silk or pashmina shawl depending on the occasion and weather requirements. 

4. Check and Polka Dots: 
The face shape and height of kid must be kept in mind while choosing the perfect hijab for her. The round chubby cheeks will look perfect in a long or square polka dot theme scarf well wrapped around the neck and head area. Your child can also wear and knitted cap under any colored scarf to mix and match the prints. The check prints and twin colored chiffon scarf also looks cute and make your kid stand out among gathering.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to Wear a Hijab: Its All About Creativity

How to wear a hijab tells you that how you can do creativity with your hijab which gives it totally different look and that will inspire other too. Hijab is important in life of Islamic women because it is compulsory for them to cover themselves. But in this modern world every women wants to look classy and trendy and also want to fulfill their religious demand. This is not difficult and you can do this easily.

How to wear a hijab provides you with those ideas which give a beautiful look to your hijab. Although there are many ways of wearing a scarf and by doing little effort with them you looks stunning. A simple way of wearing hijab is to roll around your face in clockwise direction and then pin it up. You can use cool pins having pearls on them or flower pins for giving it a bright effect.

How to wear a hijab also helps you in selecting abaya that is frok or a long gown style. You can wear a scarf or a stole over it which is easy to handle and makes you look amazing and beautiful.

Hijabs for Girls: Trendy and Cool

Hijabs for girls provides the new idea of wearing hijab for girls that gives them look modern and they can follow their religion. Hijab is compulsory for girls in Islam. So, they girls have to cover their hairs or whole body. In this fashionable world everyone wants to become stylish and classy. So girls can also do creativity with their hijab style and can easily fulfill their religious requirements. Hijab’s for girls tells you that you can choose style of hijab which you like and then add extra effect in this. Like if you are a school girl then you can choose scarf which can be easily handle. You can choose scarf of colorful fabric which gives you pretty look. 

If you are a college girl you can choose stole, which is very common no-a-days and is available in every style. By this stole you can cover your body too. Hijabs for girls also provides you to make your abaya stylish by using two colors and using motif like flowers or pearls that give it a shiny and a bright look. By using all these innovative ideas you will look beautiful, graceful and honorable too.